Critical Approaches to Black Media Culture

February 15 – 17, 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana
Four Points by Sheraton French Quarter

Sponsored by the Maurice L. Silverstein Cinema Studies Lectureship Fund and the Department of Communication.

About Critical Approaches to Black Media Culture

Black media studies stands as one of the most vibrant and vital areas of film and media studies. This conference seeks to bring together scholars working within the area to reflect on the history, present, and future(s) of the field. The hope is to draw in scholars who are emerging and established, working in US and global contexts, applying a variety of methods, and studying every dimension from production to consumption.

Hosted by the Tulane University Department of Communication, the conference will be held at the Four Points by Sheraton French Quarter in New Orleans from February 15-17, 2024.

Featured Keynotes

André Brock

Georgia Tech

Racquel J. Gates

Columbia University

Herman Gray

UC Santa Cruz

Alfred L. Martin, Jr.

Miami University

Robin R. Means Coleman

Northwestern University

Beretta E. Smith-Shomade

Emory University

More information on speakers as well as the conference schedule coming soon!